Why 90% of Top Ecommerce Sites Use Shopify: Is It Right for Your Business?

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Choosing the ideal platform for your online store is like finding the best team for a large project. It’s an important decision! Many successful online stores, such as Gymshark, Hinds, and Redbull, have leveraged Shopify for ecommerce, but is it the best option for your company? Let’s have a look.

The Popularity of Shopify for ecommerce: A Statistical Overview

Shopify is particularly popular among online stores, especially clothing brands. Over 500,000 fashion stores use Shopify for ecommerce, making it the top choice for the fashion industry. Statista shows us these numbers. And it’s not just fashion; stores selling home and garden items are also turning to Shopify for ecommerce, with about 220,000 stores thriving on the platform.

In the UK, Shopify is growing fast. The number of stores on Shopify increased by 41% in just one year! This info from Store Leads tells us that more and more people are choosing Shopify for their online businesses.

Shopify and Social Media

Social media is a big deal for online stores. In the UK, 52% of Shopify stores use Instagram to share what they sell. Facebook is also popular, but Instagram is the favourite. Store Leads says that using social media helps these stores get noticed.

Why is Shopify for ecommerce a Good Option?

Shopify stands out in that it is simple to use and includes everything you need to establish an online store. Here’s why it’s so awesome:

  1. Versatility for Various Businesses: Shopify serves a wide range of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises. It’s also a great fit for service-based businesses like consultants and freelancers, offering the tools needed for online growth.
  1. Ideal for Dropshipping: For dropshipping businesses, Shopify is a top choice. Its app integrations simplify product import and inventory management, making it easier to focus on marketing and customer satisfaction.
  1. User-Friendly Setup: Setting up a Shopify store is straightforward, requiring no technical skills. This ease of use extends to its educational resources and 24/7 customer support.
  1. Excellent Customer Service: Known for its top-notch customer service, Shopify ensures that help is always available, whether through its staff or extensive online resources.
  1. Efficient Payment Processing: Shopify streamlines payment processing, supporting major gateways and offering a variety of currencies and languages for a global reach.
  1. A Wide Selection of Themes: With a range of free and premium themes, Shopify allows for easy customization without the need for coding skills.
  1. Mobile-Friendly Designs: Shopify’s themes ensure a great user experience on all devices, and the responsive admin area allows for easy store management from anywhere.
  1. Customization Options: Shopify’s built-in Liquid programming language offers customization possibilities for those who want to tailor their store’s look and feel.
  1. Diverse Apps and Plugins: The platform’s vast ecosystem of apps covers everything from marketing to inventory management, offering tools to enhance store operations.
  1. SEO and Marketing Tools: Shopify’s SEO and marketing features help increase online visibility, while its analytics provide insights into customer behaviour and store performance.
  1. Robust Security: With encrypted checkout processes and advanced fraud detection tools, Shopify ensures the security of your store and customers.

Considerations Before Choosing Shopify for ecommerce

However, it’s important to weigh both the pros and cons:

  1. Pricing: Shopify operates on a subscription model, which can be a significant cost, especially for larger businesses requiring more features.
  1. Customization Limits: While Shopify offers flexibility, it has limitations in customization, especially for those with specific design needs.
  1. Learning Curve for Liquid: Shopify’s use of the Liquid programming language may require a learning curve for those unfamiliar with it.
  1. Content Management Challenges: For businesses with complex content needs, Shopify’s CMS might feel restrictive.
  1. Cost of Premium Themes: Advanced and unique themes come at a cost, which can add up for businesses seeking a specific design.
  1. No Email Hosting: Shopify doesn’t offer email hosting, requiring businesses to seek third-party services.
  1. Challenges in Exiting: Migrating from Shopify to another platform can be difficult, as it requires transferring data stored on Shopify’s proprietary system.

Thinking About Costs

While Shopify is awesome, it’s also important to think about costs. Shopify has different plans, and some features cost more. Think about what you really need for your store and choose a plan that fits your budget. Try Shopify free for 3 days!

Shopify Pricing 2024, Starts at £19 per month.

Shopify for Different Types of Businesses

Shopify isn’t just for big companies. It’s also ideal for small businesses looking to start an e-commerce store. Whether you’re just starting out or have been selling for a while, Shopify for ecommerce offers a flexible solution that works for a wide range of businesses.


Shopify’s array of features and its potential as a versatile e-commerce platform make it a strong contender for many businesses. However, navigating the complexities of setting up and customizing your Shopify store to align perfectly with your brand and business goals can be a challenging task. This is where our expertise comes into play. Speak with us today and get a quote within 2 hours for your Shopify needs.

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